Chelbie says:
You ARE NOT an apostate in the sense that YOU KNOW refers to apostates
An apostate, as I use the term, applies to any JW or XJW who imagines that Jehovah is not going to bring his people into judgment.
IT IS YOU KNOW Who needs the mercy of God. As well as people like him who knowingly continue to support an organization that has brought shame to God's name by its actions.
How true. And it stands to reason that only Jehovah's Witnesses can bring reproach on the holy name of Jehovah. That being the case, as the scriptures prescribe, those who are teachers and so-called leaders can expect to have a heavier judgment, even as Christ said in connection with his faithful slave at the 12 chapter of Luke. That in itself proves that Jehovah has an organization, the fact that his own judicial decree legally, scripturally, holds the leadership of the organization accountable. That being the case why should anyone leave the only organization that Jehovah specifically takes note of for the purpose of correcting and saving? The truth is that 99% of Jehovah's Witnesses are not pedophiles and have no knowledge of anyone who is. If those in a leadership capacity have sinned and knowingly shielded child molestors, for whatever misguided reason, then Christ will bring them to judgment. Although I admire Bowen's zeal and courage, standing out in front of Bethel with placards for a TV photo-op isn't going to solve the problem.
I'm going to teach you something you don't know---without my head covered--- mr. YOU "KNOW": I have NO agenda,
LOL That's okay little sister, you just go ahead and let me have it. This ain't the kingdom hall. Let me tell you, my wife is plenty steamed too. She has had a couple of family members abused back in the '80s which we dealt with and ran itnto all kinds of crap from the brothers. So, yeah, I get it from all sides.
I am sick and disgusted by all the lies of the WTS which you so blindly support.
Whoa, whoa, stop right there....How can you dare call me a "blind supporter" of the Wt? How many of Jehovah's Witnesses do you know who are willing of coming on a board like this and try and deal with the issues? I know what's going on and I have stated fairly clearly why I remain one of Jehovah's Witnesses. If anything I could call you a blind supporter of the apostate movement, but I won't because I know that you have merely been stumbled.
I have been stumbled or however the Bible clearly explains it. I will never go back to affiliating myself with the WTS because there is no holy spirit there.
Hmmm. And you know this for a fact? Could it not rather be the case that youy have become insensitive to the presence of the holy spirit? Wouldn't that explain why you have allowed yourself to become stumbled? I certainly see the evidence of the holy spirit on the lives of many individuals throughout the congregations.
Yes, you have that much right, the Watchtower and anyone who defends their wicked policies and "image is more important than children" agenda WILL BE LAID LOW.
Being laid low doesn't mean that we are destroyed. Paul wrote and said that we are '"Thrown down but not destroyed."
AGAIN, this is what I've always believed, WE are each accountable to God, regardless of which organization we are associated with.
Then you were never really one of Jehovah's Witnesses to begin with. That pretty much explains things to me.
I could sign up with the UN tomorrow and use the excuse that I only need to do so to get access to their library, God will not destroy me.
Are you sure about that? I think Jehovah is going to rip those Bozos apart who steered the Watchtower into that mess. Do you want me to go over some specific prophecies that touch on that?
Further, since Satan is father of the lie and if by YOUR OWN admission "what we have taught about the future appears to be all wrong" then I choose not to support the WTS lies.
That's your choice. But, be advised that you don't know some basic facts about how Jehovah operates. Namely, that "God allows an operation of error to go forth" among his people to weed out those who don't absolutely love the truth. So, apparently you have found the error that you were looking for. We wish you the best.
/ You Know